Xác nhận số điện thoại
Media, Information & Communication Industries
The Battle For Sky: The Murdochs, Disney, Comcast And The Future Of Entertainment
249.000 đ -13%
288.000 đ
Subscribed: Why The Subscription Model Will Be Your Company’s Future - And What To Do About It
342.400 đ -7%
372.000 đ
What Tech Calls Thinking: An Inquiry Into The Intellectual Bedrock Of Silicon Valley
226.500 đ -13%
262.000 đ
Inside Apple: How America's Most Admired - And Secretive - Company Really Works
133.500 đ -13%
154.000 đ
Like, Comment, Subscribe: Inside Youtube's Chaotic Rise To World Domination
275.250 đ -13%
319.000 đ